This servlet serves as the primary entry point of all the HTTP Web service requests and delegates the request and response object instances to the request processor for further processing. 这个servlet作为所有HTTPWeb服务请求的主入口点,它把请求和响应对象实例分派给请求处理器进行进一步处理。
It is also recommended to set the number of Domino dispatchers to the number of CM agents since they are the primary entry point to the CSLD task threads into archpro. 此外,还建议将Domino调度器的数量设为CM代理的数量,因为它们是CSLD任务线程到archpro的主要进入点。
That intersection is the primary entry point into the re-developed zone of Culver City. 该交叉口是进入科佛市重新开发区的主要入口。
I Xingtai area of ten primary entry point literature method of investigation, interview of elementary school music appreciation course to carry out a comprehensive analysis in order to contribute to the development of elementary school music teaching modest. 本课题以邢台地区的十所小学为切入点,通过文献法、调查法、访谈法对小学音乐鉴赏课的开展情况进行了全面的调研分析,以期对小学音乐教学的发展贡献微薄之力。
However, at the present time, targeted research tradition in basic education level of Zhuang folk dance is vacant. Therefore, this thesis will treat primary and secondary school education as entry point to investigate and research the succession of Zhuang folk dance. 但是目前壮族民间舞蹈在基础教育中进行传承的针对性研究还是空白,因此,本文就以中小学教育为切入点展开壮族民间舞蹈教育传承的调查和研究。